In Hotel La Misión you will find everything you need in one place, since we have direct access to the beach, as well as Restaurant Bar, in which you will have direct view of the
ocean as our Restaurant is surrounded by beautiful windows and with a beautiful and Large terrace.
On weekends we have the good bohemian music of Miguel de Hoyos, which will make your dinner the perfect complement, since our dishes are prepared with the highest
quality products, with which our great chef will make your dish a great experience.
Since if you want a good drink, do not forget that our Bar has local, national and international 100% original drinks that make the difference in its delicious flavors.
If your taste is a little more relaxed, do not forget that we also have at the bottom with our large terrace Los Delfines in which we have our taqueria and our second bar, in
which each summer we position ourselves in the first place in le Taste of our customers for our already famous fish tacos, shrimp and our delicious prepared drinks.
Also at the bottom you will find our Mini Market which has everything you need for your accommodation, which has beer, liquor, clothes, accessories for personal use and
articles of cram and much more.
And last but not least, Our Bello Hotel, in which you will have all the Tourist Comfort you are looking for, since our rooms have a terrace and an incomparable sea view, all our
rooms have a large space, double bed, water Hot and necessary for your personal cleanliness, and just mention the Hotel and Restaurant have Wi-Fi.
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